Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Zealand Demographics

New Zealand is quite a small country with a small population of around 4.3 million people. The population is ageing rapidly with the median age being 36.6 years. For males the median age is 35.8 years, whereas for females the median age is 37.4 years. 20.7% of the population is aged 0-14 years, 66.5% of the population is aged between the ages of 15-64 and 12.8% of the population is aged 65 years and over. In terms of ethnicity 69.8% of New Zealanders identify themselves as of European descent (most New Zealanders are British, Irish and the minority are Italian, Dalmation and German), 7.9% of them identify themselves as maori, 5.7% of New Zealanders are of Asian origin, 4.4% of New Zealanders are from the Pacific Islands and 0.5% fit under the other category. Religion is diverse in New Zealand. However, a large proportion of people follow the Anglican faith (14.9%), Roman Catholic faith (12.4%) and Christian (9.4%.) New Zealanders recognise three languages: Maori, English and Sign language. Most of the New Zealand population resides in Urban areas, with 72% of the population residing in Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Christchurch. With the fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman, New Zealand's population is slowly growing at 0.935%.

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