Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Zealand- A developed nation

New Zealand is a developed country, it has a literacy rate of 99%of the population and a good indication that proves that it is a developed nation, is that the literacy rate for women is 99%. However, in Nepal the literacy rate is 48.6% and a lowly 34.9% literacy rate for women. The school life expectancy in Nepal is 9, However in New Zealand it is 19.New Zealand’s main religion is Christianity- he main religions revolve around Jesus: Roman Catholics, Anglicans,Methodist etc. Whereas Nepal is a hindu kingdom, with Hinduism being the most accepted religion. It is illegal for people to change their religion in Nepal. Nepal is a very culturally rich country, with more than 30 different languages being accpeted. New Zealand is more European/ Western orientated, however it does manage strong ties with it's Maori heritage. New Zealand has an industrialized economy it’s annual GDP is $128.5 billion. With a very small labour force of 2.25 million, this is quite impressive. However, in Nepal,the labour force is 9 million, yet it remains as one of the 25 most poorest nations in the world. New Zealand exports a lot of processed food including: meat, dairy products, fish, machinery and wood/ wood products. New Zealand has many profitable natural resources including: natural gas, coal, iron ore, timber, gold and limestone. New Zealand’s biggest “export” earner is tourism with two million tourists visiting each year. Water usage in New Zealand is divided up into: 80% used for agriculture, 9% for public use and 11% for manufacturing. Although most of New Zealand's water usage is in agriculture, only 7% of the population work in agriculture, 19% work in industry and a massive 74% work in services. In saying this, New Zealand's largest company, Fonterra, is a dairy company and owns 1/3 of world dairy trade.

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